As 3600 2001 Pdf Free Download
Columns are an important structural element in reinforced concrete structures. They are usually cast integrally with the framing concrete beams and slabs although precast columns can be used in appropriate situations. They have to provide resistance to both axial forces and bending moments generally resulting from load applied to the floor beams and slabs. In the design procedure for columns, use is made of the load-moment interaction diagrams which may be in the form of design charts or generated by computer programs. Important new design provisions have been included in a new edition of Australian Standard AS 3600-2001, "Concrete Structures". Apart from improving the quality of building construction, the new design provisions also allow designers to benefit considerably from the move to high-strength 500 MPa reinforcing steels. The use of the higher strength steels is of particular importance in the design of columns where the predominant action to be resisted is axial force. Significant savings in steel can be achieved leading to more economical solutions. The new AS3600-2001 design provisions for columns take into account the change to the higher strength steels. This paper presents the background to the changes and includes important explanatory information. This will assist structural design engineers to understand the engineering principles on which the design method is based and to better realise the benefits that can be achieved through the use of the changes in conjunction with the introduction of the high strength steels. These benefits are highlighted through the presentation of a number of practical worked examples. Examples of new improved design charts are also presented.
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20th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia 2001 (Concrete 2001),
Perth, Western Australia, 11 - 14 September 2001
Wheeler & Bridge
A. Wheeler and R.Q. Bridge
Centre for Construction Technology and Research, University of Western Sydney
Synopsis. Columns are an important structural element in reinforced concrete
structures. They are usually cast integrally with the framing concrete beams and slabs
although precast columns can be used in appropriate situations. They have to provide
resistance to both axial forces and bending moments generally resulting from load
applied to the floor beams and slabs. In the design procedure for columns, use is made
of the load-moment interaction diagrams which may be in the form of design charts or
generated by computer programs.
Important new design provisions have been included in a new edition of Australian
Standard AS 3600-2001, "Concrete Structures". Apart from improving the quality of
building construction, the new design provisions also allow designers to benefit
considerably from the move to high-strength 500 MPa reinforcing steels. The use of the
higher strength steels is of particular importance in the design of columns where the
predominant action to be resisted is axial force. Significant savings in steel can be
achieved leading to more economical solutions.
The new AS3600-2001 design provisions for columns take into account the change to
the higher strength steels. This paper presents the background to the changes and
includes important explanatory information. This will assist structural design engineers
to understand the engineering principles on which the design method is based and to
better realise the benefits that can be achieved through the use of the changes in
conjunction with the introduction of the high strength steels. These benefits are
highlighted through the presentation of a number of practical worked examples.
Examples of new improved design charts are also presented.
The introduction of the new Australian Concrete Structures Standard AS 3600-2001 [1]
and the corresponding introduction of 500 Grade reinforcing steel has resulted in a
number of significant changes in methods for calculating the ultimate strength of
members. While it may appear that the higher yield strength reinforcing steel can be
considered by substituting the yield stress (f sy ) into the existing calculation methods, it
should be pointed out that these methods are based on a number of assumptions that are
dependent on material properties. Consequently, a number of changes were made to the
standard to enable design with the higher grade reinforcing steel.
In this paper the changes made in AS 3600-2001 for the determination of the column
ultimate strength are discussed. The first of the changes is in the calculation of the
ultimate compressive strength of a column. According to AS 3600-1994 [2] the ultimate
compressive strength of a column is calculated by applying a constant strain of 2000
micro-strain to the cross-section. At this strain it is assumed that the concrete stress is
equal to the cylinder strength f c and that the reinforcing steel is at yield. However,
AS 3600-2001 increases the applied strain to 2500 micro-strain to invoke the additional
strength of the higher yielding reinforcing steel.
The second significant change is in the determination of the balance point. When
considering the column in combined compression and bending, the capacity reduction
factor is dependent on whether bending or axial compression is dominant, as determined
20th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia 2001 (Concrete 2001),
Perth, Western Australia, 11 - 14 September 2001
Wheeler & Bridge
by the "balance point". The values of this balance point are based on material properties
of the reinforcing. Consequently, they are altered with the introduction of higher grade
Other significant changes with respect to columns discussed in this paper include
adjustment to the column stiffness when determining the buckling capacity, and the
increase in the maximum allowable concrete strength from 50 MPa to 65 MPa.
A design example is presented to demonstrate the economic benefits that may be
realised by utilising 500 grade reinforcement. Also presented is an improved "Column
Design Chart" that enables quick easy determination of reinforcement requirements for
standard columns.
The cross-sectional strength of a member is dependent on a number of factors including
the size, relative configuration of the steel and concrete components and the material
properties of the both steel and concrete. While the size and layout of the cross-section
is critical in determining the capacity of a column, it is imperative that the stress-strain
relationships of both the steel and concrete be fully understood.
The common stress strain curve used for concrete is that defined by the Comite
Europeen de Beton [3]. Typical stress-strain curves for the current grades of concrete as
defined by AS 3600 [1] are shown in Figure 1. This Figure includes the 65 MPa
concrete as represented by the CEB curve. For all curves the strain corresponding to
maximum strength of the concrete occurs at a constant value of 0.0022. It should be
noted that the maximum strength of the concrete for determining strength of cross-
sections is taken as 0.85f'c , accounting for effects of long term loading and other site
25 MPa
32 MPa
40 MPa
50 MPa
65 MPa
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
Stress (MPa)
Figure 1 - Stress Strain Relationship for Concrete
For reinforcing steels, a bi-linear elastic-plastic stress-strain relationship is utilised for
design, as shown in Figure 2. For design purposes, the elastic modulus (E s ) is taken as
200 000 MPa, the yield strength (f sy ) is based on the grade of reinforcement and the
yield strain ( sy ) is a function of the yield strength and the elastic modulus.
20th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia 2001 (Concrete 2001),
Perth, Western Australia, 11 - 14 September 2001
Wheeler & Bridge
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
Strain s
Stress s (MPa)
Figure 2 - Stress Strain Relationship for Reinforcing Steel
In determining the ultimate capacities of columns when subjected to either bending
and/or axial force a number of assumptions are usually made. These are:
1. Plan sections remain plane
2. Reinforcement is fully bonded to concrete
3. Tensile strength of concrete is ignored
4. Equilibrium and strain compatibility are satisfied
2.1 Axial Compression
The behaviour of a reinforced concrete cross-section subject to axial loading is easily
modelled by applying a uniform axial strain ( a ) to the cross-section. Using the stress-
strain relationships for the steel (Figure 2) and concrete (Figure 1), the stress in each
material may be determined and the resulting axial force expressed as
ccss AAN
The concrete stress ( c ) and steel stress ( s ) for the given strain ( a ) may be expressed as
) (ac
f 2
),min(200000 syas f
From Figure 1 it is observed that the concrete stress strain relationship is non-linear with
the maximum strength of 0.85f 'c occurring at a strain of 0.0022 while the steel is linear
elastic to the yield strain ( sy ) at which point the stress remains constant at the yield
stress (f sy ).
The ultimate strength (N uo ) of the cross-section in axial compression is determined by
increasing the axial strain a until the axial force N given in Eq. 1 reaches a maximum.
The strain corresponding to the ultimate axial strength N uo is defined as
When the yield strain of the reinforcing steel is less than or equal to the strain resulting
in a peak concrete load (
o), it can be seen that the steel yields before the concrete has
20th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia 2001 (Concrete 2001),
Perth, Western Australia, 11 - 14 September 2001
Wheeler & Bridge
reached its maximum strength. Thus the ultimate axial strength N ou in compression is
simply given as:
ccssyuo 850 A'f.AfN
For the 400 grade reinforcing bar this has been the case with a yield strain of sy = 0.002
which is less than the peak concrete strength strain o (=0.0022). This was reflected in
Clause 10.6.3 of AS 3600-1994 [2]. However, for steels with yield strains greater than
the strain o at peak concrete strength, such as the new 500 grade steels, the simplified
method as described in Eq. 4 is no longer valid. Consequently, to fully utilise the
additional strength from increasing the steel strength, AS 3600-2000 recommends that
the assumed applied axial strain is increased from 0.002 to 0.0025.
As shown in Figure 3, when a strain of 0.002 is applied to the cross-section, the
concrete stress is close to its peak stress but the stress in the steel is significantly below
the yield stress for a 500 grade steel. At a strain of 0.0025 ( sy for 500 Grade steel) the
reinforcement stress has peaked. However the concrete has passed its peak stress and
some loss in the concrete strength is observed. Consequently, the ultimate strength as
defined by Eq. 4 will generally give overestimates for the column capacities. The
magnitude of the overestimation is dependent on the percentage of reinforcement and
the strength of concrete, with the difference of approximately 2 percent occurring in a
column with 3 percent steel and 50 MPa concrete. However, when long term effects are
considered these overestimations in ultimate strength are eliminated [4].
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006
Steel Stress (MPa)
Concrete Stress (MPa)
31.6 MPa
Figure 3 – Peak Stress and Strains
To accurately determine the short-term axial strength of a column cross-section it
should be noted that the ultimate strain ( ou ) at which the ultimate axial compressive
strength N uo is achieved is dependent on the geometric properties and the shape of the
concrete stress-strain relationship. For section typically with high percentages of steel
the ultimate load is achieved when the steel yields. Thus the ultimate axial compressive
strength N uo is expressed as
20th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia 2001 (Concrete 2001),
Perth, Western Australia, 11 - 14 September 2001
Wheeler & Bridge
csyssyuo )( AfAfN
For cross-sections with lower percentages of reinforcement, ultimate axial compressive
strength N uo is reached before the steel yields. The steel remains elastic, with the axial
compressive strength N expressed as
casas )( AfAEN
where E s is the elastic modulus of the reinforcing steel.
To determine the ultimate axial compressive strength N uo , Eq. 6 is differentiated with
respect to strain
a and equating to zero gives the condition for maximum axial
compressive strength N uo where
dN ))((
a 7
Eq. 7 may be solved analytically if the stress-strain relationship
c = f( a) is in a closed
form solution and amenable to differentiation. Alternatively, Eq. 6 can be solved
numerically by varying
a until a maximum value is obtained for N uo
There is no prior way of knowing if the steel yields prior to or after reaching the
ultimate axial compressive strength. However, the value of N uo from Equation 5 will be
less than or equal the value from Equation 6 and could be used conservatively for
design purposes. Alternative methods for determining an accurate value for N uo using
charts has also been developed [4].
2.2 Combined Compression and Bending
Axial Load
ku d
Pure Moment (M uo )
Pure Axial (N uo )
kuo do
Balance Point (M ub ,N u,)
(M ul , N ul )
Figure 4 – - Load Moment Strength Interaction Curve
The capacity of a column cross-section depends on the eccentricity of the applied load,
with the load decreasing as the eccentricity increases. General practice is to represent an
eccentric load as an axial load and a moment equivalent to the product of the applied
axial load and the eccentricity. Consequently most design is done utilising the load
20th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia 2001 (Concrete 2001),
Perth, Western Australia, 11 - 14 September 2001
Wheeler & Bridge
moment strength interaction curve of the type shown in Figure 4. A detailed description
of the theory and methods used is beyond the scope of this paper but can be found in a
number of publications [5][6].
Three key points on the load-moment strength interaction diagram, as shown in Figure
4, are of particular interest and use to designers. While the new standard has adjusted
some of the assumptions in determining the ultimate squash load N uo with respect to
applied strains, the ultimate strength in bending M uo still assumes that the strain cu on
the extreme compressive fibre is 0.003 [7]. At the so-called "balanced point" the
particular ultimate bending strength M ub and the corresponding ultimate axial
compression strength N ub are determined are determined for a particular depth of the
neutral axis (k uo d o ). At this point the value of k uo is such that this outermost layer of steel
has just reached yield at a strain of sy , and d o is the depth from the extreme compressive
fibre to the centroid of the outermost layer of tensile reinforcement. This point is usually
at or close to the "nose" of the load moment interaction diagram.
Figure 5 - Balance Point Strain Distribution
The strain distribution at the balance point is shown in Figure 5. From this figure the
required k uo at the balance point is determined and given by
k 8
In AS3600-1994, the normal type of bar reinforcement used in columns is 400Y with a
design yield stress f sy = 400 MPa and a yield strain sy = 0.002. The maximum
compressive strain cu in the concrete at ultimate strength is taken as 0.003. Using these
values in Eq. 8 gives a value of k uo = 0.6 which is the value that was used in AS3600-
1994 (see definitions of M ub and N ub in Clause 1.7). For 500N grade steel with a design
yield stress f sy = 500 MPa and a yield strain sy = 0.0025, then Eq. 8 gives a value of
kuo = 0.545. Consequently, AS 3600-2001 specifies the value of kuo according to Eq. 8.
When considering slender columns, AS 3600 uses a moment magnifier to take into
account the slenderness effects. The moment magnifier for a braced column b is given
in Clause 10.4.2 of AS 3600 as
where k m is the coefficient is used to convert a column with unequal end moments, N * is
the applied axial load and Nc is the column buckling loads defined as
20th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia 2001 (Concrete 2001),
Perth, Western Australia, 11 - 14 September 2001
Wheeler & Bridge
In determining the buckling load, the effective length Le is found using Clause 10.5.3 of
AS 3600-2001. However the stiffness EI of the column cross-section varies according to
the level of axial load and moment applied to the column. To simplify the design
process, the secant stiffness for the column, based on the stiffness of the column cross-
section at the balance point (M ub , N ub ) is utilised to define this stiffness [8, 9]. The
secant stiffness has been shown to be relative constant for a wide range of points
(M u , N u ) [10]. The secant stiffness for a typical moment-curvature relationship at a
constant axial force equal to the balanced value N ub is shown in Figure 6.
Slope = EI
ub = Constant
Figure 6 - Moment-Curvature Relationship for Constant Balanced Axial Force Nub
From this figure the secant stiffness EI at the balance point is expressed as
EI 11
From the strain diagram shown in Figure 5 at the balance point, the curvature
ub (slope
of the strain distribution) is given by
ub dk
Substituting the value of k uo from Eq. 8 into Eq. 12 then substituting this value of
into Eq. 11 gives the secant stiffness EI
EI 13
In AS3600-1994, the normal type of bar reinforcement used in columns is 400Y with a
design yield stress f sy = 400 MPa and a yield strain sy = 0.002, and the maximum
compressive strain cu in the concrete at ultimate strength is taken as 0.003. Using these
20th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia 2001 (Concrete 2001),
Perth, Western Australia, 11 - 14 September 2001
Wheeler & Bridge
values in Eq. 13 then
EI = 200do M ub 14
When the same procedure is applied to 500N grade steel with a design yield stress f sy =
500 MPa and a yield strain sy = 0.0025, and taking the strain cu in the concrete at
ultimate strength as 0.003, then substitution into Eq. 13 gives the design value for EI as
EI = 182do M ub 15
Finally the stiffness is corrected to account for creep due to sustained loading, a reduced
concrete elastic modulus, resulting in a column stiffness of
EI = 200 d o (
Mub )/(1+
d) for 400 Grade 16
EI = 182 d o (
Mub )/(1+
d) for 500 Grade 17
d is the creep factor and M ub is the design strength.
To demonstrate how savings can be achieved by using the 500 grade reinforcement, a
typical design example is presented. For the case chosen a re-design of a 400 grade
column into 500 grade reinforcement is required. The column had external dimensions
of 450 x 700 mm, 50 MPa concrete, with the reinforcement consisting of 12Y36 bars
with a cover of 35 mm to reinforcement as shown in the insert in Figure 7.
The load-moment strength interaction diagram for the column using 400 grade
reinforcement is shown by the bold line in Figure 7. For this particular example three
alternatives using 500 grade reinforcement were determined.
The first was a simple substitution of 12N36 (500 grade) bars for the existing 12Y36
bars. This solution represented by the dash line results in a column with an increase of 5
percent in axial capacity and up to 20 percent increase in moment capacity.
The second alternative is to reduce the bar diameter and use 12N32 bars; this equates to
a reinforcement reduction of approximately 21 percent. As represented in Figure 7 by
the dash-dot-dot line, this alternative presents a load moment strength curve a little
lower than that of the original column with a decrease in axial capacity of
approximately 1 percent and decrease in moment capacity of 2 percent. If within the
tolerance of design, these variations may acceptable. Consequently a 21 percent saving
in steel may obtained.
20th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia 2001 (Concrete 2001),
Perth, Western Australia, 11 - 14 September 2001
Wheeler & Bridge
0 500 1000 1500
Moment Strength M u (kNm)
Axial Strength N u (kN)
500 Grade
400 Grade
500 Grade 10N36
500 Grade
12 bars 10 bars
450 x 700
50 MPa Concrete
Cover 35 mm
Figure 7 – Load-Moment Strength Interaction (A st Equal)
The third alternative is to replace the 12Y36 bars with 10N36 bars in the configuration
shown in Figure 7. In this case the load moment strength curve, the dash-dot line,
closely represents the curve for the existing column design with a saving of 17 percent
of reinforcement realised. For the given example, the designer must also check the
design for bending in the y direction to ensure that it is also adequate.
To assist the designer in selecting the correct column based on design action effects, a
number of publications exist that enable quick selection of the correct percentages of
reinforcement using charts. A typical design chart is presented in Figure 8 for a
rectangular column reinforced equally on all four faces.
The design charts are generated using an advanced analysis method, with material
assumptions as specified by AS 3600-2001. The stress distributions in the concrete were
determined from the CEB stress strain relationship, with a maximum stress of 0.85f 'c .
The reinforcing steel utilises a bi-linear relationship and a yield stress of 500MPa. The
balance moment M ub and corresponding axial load N ub were determined when
kuo = 0.545.
20th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia 2001 (Concrete 2001),
Perth, Western Australia, 11 - 14 September 2001
Wheeler & Bridge
0. 04
0. 02
0.0 1
0. 00
Mu /Ag D (MPa)
Nu /Ag (MPa)
Minimum eccentricity
Locus Nub ,Mub
Figure 8 – Rectangular Column f 'c = 40 MPa, g = 0.9
To determine the required percentage of steel the design action effects are taken and
non-dimensionlised using the depth and width of the cross section. These values are
then plotted on the chart and the corresponding percentage of steel determined. A series
of the charts for three general cross-sections may be found in the Guide to Reinforced
Concrete Design Booklet "Cross-section Strength of columns" [11].
With the introduction of the AS 3600 - 2001 and the ability to design using 500 grade
reinforcement, a number of subtle changes in the procedure for determining ultimate
strength and stiffness of column cross-sections have been introduced.
The changes with respect to columns include
Calculation of N uo - The ultimate strength in compression N uo shall be calculated by
assuming that the uniform concrete compressive stress in the concrete is equal to 0.85f
and that the maximum strain in the steel and concrete is 0.0025.
Definition of k uo - The value of k uo for the determination of the balance point and
buckling stiffness is now dependent on the yield strength of the reinforcement as
defined by Eq. 8. This results in the value of k uo being equal to 0.6 and 0.545 for 400
grade and 500 grade reinforcement respectively. The column buckling loads also vary
with the reinforcement grade.
1 Standards Australia, (2001), "AS3600-2001 – Concrete Structures ", Standards
Australia, Sydney.
2 Standards Australia, (2001), "AS 3600-1994 – Concrete Structures", Standards
20th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia 2001 (Concrete 2001),
Perth, Western Australia, 11 - 14 September 2001
Wheeler & Bridge
Australia, Sydney.
3 CEB (1973), "Deformability of Concrete Structures – Basic Assumptions", Bulletin
D'Information No. 90, Comite Europeen du Beton.
4 Wheeler A. and Bridge R., (2001) "Column Axial Compressive Strength and
AS 3600-2001", Proceedings , The Australasian Structural Engineering Conference,
Gold Coast 2001, pp. 359-366.
5 Bridge, R.Q. and Roderick, J.W. (1978), "The Behaviour of Built-up Composite
Columns", Journal of the Structural Division , ASCE, Vol. 104, No. ST7, July, pp.
6 Wheeler A. T. and Bridge R. Q., (1993) "Analysis of Cross-sections in Composite
Materials". Proceedings , Thirteenth Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of
Structures and Materials, Wollongong, Australia, University of Wollongong, pp 929-
7 Bridge, R.Q. and Smith, R.G. (1984), "The Ultimate Strain of Concrete", Civil
Engineering Transactions, IEAust, Vol. CE26, No. 3, pp. 153-160.
8 Smith, R.G and Bridge, R.Q. (1984) "The Design of Concrete Columns ", Top Tier
Design Methods in the Draft Unified Code, Lecture 2, Postgraduate Course Notes,
School of Civil and Mining Engineering, University of Sydney, pp. 2.1-2.95
9 Bridge, R.Q. (1986), "Design of Columns ", Short Course, Design of Reinforced
Concrete, School of Civil Engineering and Unisearch Ltd., University of New South
Wales, Lecture 8, pp. 8.1-8.36
10 Smith, R.G. and Bridge, R.Q. (1984), "Slender Braced Reinforced and Prestressed
Concrete Columns – A Comparative Study", Research Report No. 472 , School of
Civil and Mining Engineering, University of Sydney, April, 51p.
11 Bridge, R. and Wheeler A. (2000), "Guide to Reinforced Concrete Design – Cross-
section Strength of Columns – Part 1: AS 3600 Design", OneSteel Reinforcing,
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Current Australian design methods for reinforced concrete columns allow for a simplified approach, which makes a number of assumptions regarding the material properties of the steel and concrete. The introduction of 500 MPa reinforcing steel has pushed the material properties beyond the current assumptions thus requiring some changes to the current design methods. The latest revision of the Concrete Structures Standard AS 3600-2001 has considered the implications of higher strength steels, and altered the assumptions made regarding the simplified determination of the axial capacity of the columns. This paper looks at the ultimate strength of the columns with respect to the higher grade steels, the effect of the concrete constitutive relationship, and the strain in the concrete at ultimate load. These factors are also examined in terms of current methods for considering long term effects such as creep and shrinkage.
- Jack W. Roderick
The results are presented of an investigation into the behavior of pin-ended composite columns containing more than one steel component. A series of tests was performed on built-up composite columns containing two steel channels with and without battens and encased in unreinforced concrete. Comparative tests were made on similar unencased columns. An iterative inelastic analysis for composite columns has been developed to predict their behavior right up to collapse. Comparisons between theoretical and experimental behavior were made. The observed results confirm the analytical predictions and lead to the conclusion that the absence of battens does not detract from the load-carrying capacity of built-up composite columns of the type considered.
Deformability of Concrete Structures -Basic Assumptions
CEB (1973), "Deformability of Concrete Structures -Basic Assumptions", Bulletin D'Information No. 90, Comite Europeen du Beton.
Analysis of Cross-sections in Composite Materials
- A T Wheeler
- R Q Bridge
Wheeler A. T. and Bridge R. Q., (1993) "Analysis of Cross-sections in Composite Materials". Proceedings, Thirteenth Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Wollongong, Australia, University of Wollongong, pp 929-937.
The Ultimate Strain of Concrete
- R Q Bridge
- R G Smith
Bridge, R.Q. and Smith, R.G. (1984), "The Ultimate Strain of Concrete", Civil Engineering Transactions, IEAust, Vol. CE26, No. 3, pp. 153-160.
Design of Columns " , Short Course, Design of Reinforced Concrete
- R Q Bridge
Bridge, R.Q. (1986), " Design of Columns ", Short Course, Design of Reinforced Concrete, School of Civil Engineering and Unisearch Ltd., University of New South Wales, Lecture 8, pp. 8.1-8.36
Guide to Reinforced Concrete Design -Crosssection Strength of Columns -Part 1: AS 3600 Design
- R Bridge
- A Wheeler
Bridge, R. and Wheeler A. (2000), "Guide to Reinforced Concrete Design -Crosssection Strength of Columns -Part 1: AS 3600 Design", OneSteel Reinforcing, Sydney.
The Design of Concrete Columns
- R Smith
- R Q Bridge
Smith, R.G and Bridge, R.Q. (1984) "The Design of Concrete Columns", Top Tier Design Methods in the Draft Unified Code, Lecture 2, Postgraduate Course Notes, School of Civil and Mining Engineering, University of Sydney, pp. 2.1-2.95
Slender Braced Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Columns -A Comparative Study
- R G Smith
- R Q Bridge
Smith, R.G. and Bridge, R.Q. (1984), "Slender Braced Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Columns -A Comparative Study", Research Report No. 472, School of Civil and Mining Engineering, University of Sydney, April, 51p.
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